Hoarderz' is a story centered around the themes of addiction, escapism, and, as the title suggests, 'hoarding' to the extreme. The play follows the tale of 'Hoarder' and his fellow property guardian and roommate 'Stoner' as they are trapped in the throes of their own addiction and forced to confront their problems head-on. Through mystical and sci-fi-oriented shenanigans, and Hoarder’s outright denial of his problem, the pair, along with their friends, end up trapped in their crowded flat and transported to a pocket dimension from which they are incapable of leaving, at the mercy of the creature 'Gongle'. Gongle is a being made out of the very materials Hoarder deems precious, and what others would label as 'junk': constructed of newspaper clippings and recyclable materials.

Supported by an ensemble of other irreverent characters, the show takes a non-linear approach to storytelling, featuring, at times, whole cast scene changes and movement sequences representing the disparity and turmoil felt by the two leading characters. As the story progresses, Gongle acts as an ultimatum, forcing the characters to reach a realization or risk never escaping the microcosm they have mistakenly created for themselves.

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